Having a social media presence can help your company be identified by your customers and push your brand into their awareness. Companies that try to reach out to their customers through social media are using an inexpensive method of advertising. Making sure your company has an Instagram or Facebook account can open a huge new pool of potential customers.
Social Media Resources:
How to Build a Social Media Strategy for Your Startup
Startupgrind.com article that walks you through the why and how of social media advertising. Sometimes it is better to focus on one area rather than trying every type of social media at once- after all, you will need to update them all regularly.
Five Steps to Creating a Facebook Ad from Your Page
Facebook breaks down the steps on how to advertise on their platform in an easy-to-understand way, via a quick 5-minute video.
25 Ways to Grow Your Social Media Presence
John Rampton writes in an article for Forbes about how to grow your new social media presence. Offering 25 ways to grow your audience, Rampton breaks down some of the methods used by big businesses that can also be used by small businesses.